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Food and Products Safety and Compliance

for export to
the Unites States of America

FSVP Conference
November 10, 2017 (Friday)
Sofia, Bulgaria

In partnership with the Public Policy Institute and within the agenda of the Inter Food and Drinks Exhibition 2017 in Sofia, we provided an opportunity for companies which export or are planning to export to the USA to hear from top FDA experts and learn more about the relevant regulations. A full day of detailed panels presentations, Q&A sessions, individual meetings with the American professionals were at the convenience of over 140 attendees with Free Admission


The Conference was under the Auspices of the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry of the Republic of Bulgaria H.E. Mr. Rumen Porodzanov.

These are some of the testimonials we received after the Conference

Testimonials have been collected by a Survey that was held among the attendees

"It would be great if conferences like this one are to be made regularly (at least ones per year)."

"The conference was defiantly very useful. I hope from now on to have more like this one."

"Very helpful for future collaboration."

"Please, seminars like this one to be organized again and not only for export to USA, but to pay attention and to other markets like China, Iran, Egypt, South of Asia, Canada, Australia and so on…."

"Thank you for the opportunity that you offered to join the conference and to get information from the lectors."

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