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SILO Global

Empowering Transatlantic Synergies

We facilitate alliances.

We are making "Science, Innovation, Leadership, Opportunity" accessible

for anyone, at any time.

It will be our privilege to build your bridge across the Atlantic Ocean.


How About SILO

SILO Ltd and its USA based subsidiary SILO Global, LLC are strategic consultants, facilitating Bulgarian and Eastern European enterprises of any scale to find relevant partner/s or market in the United States of America and align with them.

The service portfolio of SILO does include commercial representation, trade agency services, procurement, product or brand oriented market research.

One of the priorities of SILO’s mission is the technology and innovation transfers between USA, Bulgaria and Eastern Europe for the agriculture, food industries and manufacturing, because we care about food safety.


Our Specialties and Departments

SILO Business Navigator

We can provide you with the relevant market research, plan you market positioning, make your networking, execute your legal and operational work, analyze your results and conduct your product development to the target market.

We can be your eyes and ears across the Atlantic Ocean.

We can be your compass and your driving wheel.

You are welcome to the SILO Business Navigator.


SILO Bio Agro

We believe that every human being does deserve access to fresh and organic food.

We strive to make this possible.

We invest lots of time, knowledge and efforts to improve the quality of foods by helping farmers grow their produce cheaper in environmentally friendly manner, to bring real food closer and to preserve the Earth and her natural resources for the future.

We will continue doing so relentlessly with innovations, technology and science.

We are the SILO Bio Agro.

SILO Marketeers

You have a product and you need a partner, an importer, an importer of record, a broker, a distributor or a logistics  operator. We can handle it for you.

We are the SILO Marketeers!


SILO Innovative Solutions

The second letter in the acronym that forms our name "SILO" stands for "Innovation". Science and Technology are supposed to serve us through innovations. Thus, we believe innovations must be accessible.
SILO Innovative Solutions has the goal to make the most advanced innovations and technology available for any abandoned corner. Every challenge needs a solution and we are ready to be the matchmaker!


As part of our solution approach we believe that data analysis, data processing and predictive modeling are essential for effective business growth.

SILO Data can be your gate to the field of processed information and integrated data solutions, exactly when you need them for most efficient and effective decision making process.


News from SILO Global

FSMA Conference on Food and Products Safety and Compliance for export to the USA

In partnership with the Public Policy Institute and within the agenda of the Inter Food and Drinks Exhibition 2017 in Sofia, we provided an opportunity for companies which export or are planning to export to the USA to hear from top FDA experts and learn more about the relevant regulations. A full day of detailed panels presentations, Q&A sessions, individual meetings with the American professionals were at the convenience of over 140 attendees with Free Admission

The Conference was under the Auspices of the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry of the Republic of Bulgaria H.E. Mr. Rumen Porodzanov.

You can see a detailed program and info about the speakers at:

Follow the link bellow to see pictures and a brief resume.

SILO Global will present "Made in BULGARIA" products at one of the biggest Food Shows in the USA

Dear Friends, you are all welcome to taste specially selected Bulgarian delicacies at the "22nd Americas Food and Beverage Show & Conference Miami 2018", October 1-2, 2018 - Booth #312 "SILO Global - Made in Bulgaria"!
Please, do not leave your friends behind and feel free to invite them also, to booth #312:
(positioning mouse on the booth number 312 you will get more details, including address)

Скъпи приятели, чувствайте се поканени да ни посетите на 22-рото изложение и конференция "Americas Food and Beverage Miami 2018, на 1-ви и 2-ри октомври 2018 г., щанд №312: "SILO Global - Произведено в България"!
Моля, свободно канете свои приятели и нека демонстрираме вкусовете на България!
(позиционирайте мишката върху номера на щанда, за да видите точен адрес и подробности)

This is our News Section. We will be delighted to update you to you e-mail, but we would be highly grateful to know what you are interested to hear for from us.

We are proud of the capacity and quality of the companies we partner with:



LEANTICK focuses on addressing clients' critical issues and opportunities, offering management services in areas such as Innovation & Technology Transfer, Transformation Management, Strategy & Business Development, Digitization & Automation, Education, Quality Management, Operations & Workflow Efficiency, Food Safety, and Procurement, across industries and regions. They streamline operations, allowing clients to focus on their core expertise while ensuring efficiency, quality, and strategy. Their commitment is to guide clients through change, providing lean solutions until every goal is achieved and clients regain full control of their success.

Client 3

Grid2Grid LLC

Grid2Grid is on several continents. Investing and Consulting in agriculture, renewable energy, infrastructure and manufacturing.
The partnership between Grid2Grid and SILO Global is very special and makes a link between Metropolitan Washington DC, Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia.
SILO is the Eastern European Representative for Grid2Grid.

North American Food Group, Inc.

North American Food Group, Inc. is a US food products distributor, trusted by a number of major retailers in North America. Specialized in procurement and order fulfillment, NAFG Inc. is partnering with SILO Global in Europe for product development and product delivery to US based warehouses. We are proud to work as an authorized European agent for NAFG in observance of food safety and FDA compliance for all the relevant European production we develop, purchase, deliver and import in the USA.

Find us where you need us

With offices both in the United States and Eastern Europe
we are ready to serve your projection of expansion.

Thanks for submitting!



+1 (312) 731-2687

©2017 by SILO Global LLC.

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